Ninebot has caused a bit of confusion with their updated 2018 miniPRO version, going from model number 320 to 260. In this article, we will review the Segway miniPRO balancing board and highlight the key differences between the miniPRO 260 and miniPRO 320.
Updated model: Check out the newly released Segway Ninebot S
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Segway is perhaps the most popular brand when it comes to manufacturing high level – you guessed it – Segway mobiles. Their products have a reputation for crafting very durable casings, wheels with smooth traction, and aesthetically pleasing rides that are as easy on the eyes as they are on your feet. So now that you’ve decided to purchase a Segway vehicle for yourself, a new problem arises: which one should you buy?
Two of their best models are on feature in our comparative review today. We’ll be taking a look at the Segway miniPRO 320 and its newer and slightly smaller 2018 iteration: the Segway miniPRO 260. Both vehicles have a lot in common which is part of what makes them the best. But they also have several subtle yet significant differences that we’ll be outlining for you to help you make the optimal purchase.
Segway miniPro 320 vs 260 Buying Guide
When choosing a Segway vehicle we keep multiple important factors in mind in determining how good the product is.
- The build quality is one thing, to make sure that the Segway will last a long time and be able to handle various environments and activities.
- Wheels are arguably the most important thing to watch for so we can know how well they run on various terrain and how smooth riding, jumping, and turning is.
- Max speed and max distance are taken into account so you can know how fast and how long you can go.
- Battery life, mile range, charge time and weight capacity all factor in what can provide the most distance for your power and time.
With that, all said and done let’s jump into the specs and review of our two Segway models.
Segway miniPRO 320: Overview
The original is an excellent choice for anyone that needs to ride longer distances due to the higher battery capacity.
- Might feel more comfortable for larger users
- Better max distance
- Feels steadier during crash tests
- Heavier
- Slightly more expensive
Product Features
- A slightly larger unicycle that may feel more comfortable in the hands of taller or larger users
- Weighs a little less than meets the eye, coming in at only 28 pounds
- 14 mile max range and 10 mph are solid stats for people getting used to their first ever e-unicycle
- Has great performance during bumps or crashes and the wheel also has top notch shock absorption
The is one of the landmark and bestselling units of the Segway line. The miniPROs are so much more popular than their other consumer and professional tier lines that this entire category has its own dedicated website.
Segway has always marketed their products as distinct from hoverboards despite any surface-level similarities. The miniPRO320 embodies this philosophy with its many key features. While both vehicles are dual-wheeled and require no use of the arms, these Segway scooters allow for greater precision with steering and are equipped with a balancing rod in between your legs for greater stability.
This scooter was designed for portability and versatility. You can use it and take it to a wide variety of places. Indoor use is possible though you may want to watch out for scuffing certain kinds of flooring. Outdoor use is ideal and it can easily be taken on any typical bicycle route.
Segway miniPRO 260: Overview
Thanks to the smaller battery, the is more affordable than the older version and excellent for anyone looking for a short to medium range rideable.
- Slightly more appealing handle and kneebars
- Slightly better LED colors
- Easier on slight inclines
- Smaller max mile range
- Weaker battery
Product Features
- A more affordable version of the miniPro320, it has many of the same features but with a slightly smaller stature and battery
- Max range of 12.5 miles per battery charge
- Very lovely looking LED colors that make this Segway very appealing to anyone who happens to be in its vicinity
- Performs well on slight incline slopes
The is the newer version of the with a few key modifications. The overall machine is a tiny bit lighter and a little bit smaller as well. Despite being the newer model, the ID name has a smaller number to signify the reduction in battery capacity. Like the 320, it is available in white and black color finishes. Changes have also been made to the design of the tires and the balancing stand which we will get into later.
The biggest changes made in this newer model concern the battery and the mile range you can get per charge. Segway was insistent in being able to provide a miniPRO segway scooter that was slightly more affordable to consumers. As a result, they created this slightly less powerful but moderately more portable device.
Segway miniPRO Review
Now that we’ve introduced each unit let’s start comparing and contrasting all of their abilities with a fine-tooth comb.
Build Quality
Both of these machines are very sturdy and made of some impressive shock-resistant materials. The miniPRO 320 weighs 28 pounds while the miniPRO 260 weighs slightly less due to the smaller battery. One might think that this would make the 260 a little less sturdy, and one would be right but it isn’t by much. The materials used in both machines are extremely similar. When you touch both scooters with your hands they feel pretty much identical. Many would just assume at first glance that they are indeed identical models.
Visuals and Aesthetics
If you have the option to go black, go black. The white finish on both models has this very simple eggshell look to it yet it still has some dark black and red finishes that don’t mesh well together. The black model, on the other hand, looks quite nice, especially in the dark when you have your LED flashlights enabled.
Speaking of the lighting, they seem to be slightly brighter on the miniPRO 260. Segway’s website doesn’t seem to indicate that the headlights or rear LEDs were changed but it seemed that way during our usage.

Overall the black finish for both the 260 and 320 looks nice, but the 260 is slightly better looking. Not only are the LEDs a little cooler looking at nighttime but they also changed the way the balancing rod and the extending handle looks. They both have a bit of an industrial vibe on the miniPRO 320 with raw metal parts but they look a little smoothed out on the miniPRO 260.
The tires are nearly identical between both models as we expected, but we believe to have detected some minor changes on the miniPRO 260. For one thing, they seem slightly thinner but that’s to be expected as the overall machine is smaller and weighs less. The groove patterns on the miniPRO 260 also seem different but it doesn’t seem to affect the riding experience as far as we can tell.
Both machines function extremely well at all their speeds. Both scooters have a max speed of 10 miles per hour. It won’t be fast enough for anyone used to more intense speeds but it offers a comfortable pace for anyone just looking to get from A to B in a reasonable amount of time.
Both machines functioned well on indoor floors including cement and wooden panels. We don’t recommend using your Segway device on wood, however, as you’ll scuff your flooring and have to buff out any residue. Other than that, they do work fine if that’s still your inclination.
Outdoor usage is where these machines truly shine. Sidewalk pavement, roads with cycling paths, and most grassy grounds were comfortable and smooth. These wheels aren’t the most responsive when it comes to rainy weather. You should be fine if you have a lot of experience with your segway but beginners might want to take it easy if it’s pouring outside.
While everyone might think that using these at the beach would be a phenomenal idea, it really is only an okay idea. Sand, rough or fine, isn’t the best terrain. They still work but you won’t get as smooth a ride and you’ll have to put in noticeably more effort to reach 10mph. You may also have to clean your wheels of any leftover sand and in our opinion that isn’t worth the extra effort.
Overall both the miniPRO 320 and miniPRO 260 perform great on their intended terrain. We slightly prefer the 260 thanks to be a bit lighter. This makes it a little easier to reach top speeds on roads with an incline and it kept our riding experience smoother than the 320s.
Comfort Levels
This area might depend on how much you weigh and how old and tall you are but overall we have to give it up to the miniPRO 260.
As far as riding is concerned, we found the 260 model to be smoother though only slightly more. Turning feels easier and more seamless but someone who is more heavyset and approaching the weight limit of both scooters may find the heavier 320 to be a better fit.
Carrying the miniPRO 260 from location to location was certainly nicer since it weighs less.

Power and Output
The miniPRO 320 is the clear winner in this category no matter how you spin it. As we mentioned earlier Segway wanted the 260 to be deliberately less powerful so that they could justify releasing a cheaper model for people on a stricter budget. As a result, the 260 has a weaker battery and can only go up to 12.5 miles per charge, whereas the 320 can go up to 14 miles per charge.
It may not seem like much of a difference, but if power is more important than price then the 320 will probably be your preferred pick.

Safety Features
You may not realize it but safety is actually one of the areas that Segway is known for excelling at. All of their products go through very rigorous safety testing protocols. This includes making the machine durable and sturdy during top speed travels and making the machine as resistant and steady as possible during crashes.
Both models seem to handle bumps and other various road obstacles pretty well. The balancing rod for both models feels and looks identical. Steering with or without the use of your knees is precise and fun. Both are very comfortable and keep you firmly grounded.
The main thing to keep in mind is the mandatory tutorial they included. The machine will not allow you to ride at faster speeds until you go through their “New Rider Tutorial.” It’s very easy and quick and can be completed in minutes. This is good news to experienced riders as they can breeze through the walkthrough in no time. The max speed limit during the initial process is cut off at 4.3 miles per hour. This is especially good news for beginners looking to pick up their first Segway scooter.
Both the miniPRO 320 and the 260 are virtually identical when it comes to safety precautions. We really have to call this one a draw. They both perform excellently and will keep you tight and secure on your trips.
Bonus Features
Segway really likes to go all out when it comes to extra features and we highly recommend you take advantage of them all should you choose to buy one of these balancing boards. All you have to do is download the app on your smartphone and use a Bluetooth connection. Then you’ll have access to all the great extras. This applies to both the 320 and the 260.
One feature that should appeal to beginners is the speed control function. Simply input what your preferred max speed is and you’re all set. The device will not go past 7mph, as an example, if you’re not comfortable yet with going any faster.

The anti-theft feature is great for everyone. It comes with an alarm system that will notify your phone and you can lock the wheels in place so no one can easily roll it away.
There is also a way to use customizable LEDs so that they flash in different colors in case you don’t like the default blue.
Once again, both machines are identical in this category. The smartphone app has no changes for the newer 260 so it’s a draw.
Our Final Verdict
It is our opinion that for eight or nine out of 10 users, the majority will prefer the Segway over the older . We wouldn’t say that the 320 is outdated or obsolete in any way. It is still a great machine that is very safe and very comfy and a few will prefer the extra 1.5 miles that its battery can squeeze out.
The is simply lighter and more portable and nearly anyone who owns a Segway will want to use it on the go. Include the fact that it’s slightly cheaper and slightly easier on the eyes and you have the superior product, even if only by a small margin.
Last update on 2023-11-18 at 02:36 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.