Getting a mobility scooter is a big decision for many people. The biggest reason, of course, is the cost. But there are also many other factors to consider beforehand. For the responsible consumer, that means asking the right questions. We also advise you to get all of the facts for a big decision like this.
But of course, not everybody knows the right questions to ask.
Luckily, this Mobility Scooter FAQ is here to give you all the answers you need to become a proud mobility scooter owner.
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A mobility scooter is a very important vehicle for a lot of people. For those new to them, however, it can be a little difficult to understand just how they can help you out in your day-to-day life. You might even have the misconception that a mobility scooter is nothing more than a toy. As any serious mobility scooter owner will tell, however, these powerful transportation vehicles are anything but toys.
For many owners, a mobility scooter allows them to take back their independence. They gain the ability to get where they need to go without having to rely on others. They can go grocery shopping, run errands, and live their life to the fullest.
For those who face challenges with mobility, simply getting around each day can be difficult. Medical mobility scooters help to solve this issue. They provide increased mobility and reduce the strain on impaired individuals and their caregivers.
At the same time, a mobility scooter is a great way of experiencing life too. Just like a touring bike or motorcycle, a mobility scooter allows you to explore the world around you in comfort.
One of the most common questions involving mobility scooters involves the road. If you are planning to get a mobility scooter, you probably also plan to make big use of it as a transportation vehicle. And for many people, that means driving on the road. The bad news, however, is that – depending on where you live – this may not be an option.
Very few cities will allow you to ride your mobility scooter directly on the road. Some even forbid you from using the bike lane. Most of the time, this is because of safety concerns.
The average mobility scooter does not travel fast enough to be allowed on the road. You would cause a traffic jam or worse, you could even be hit by a speeding vehicle. This would be very bad as mobility scooters do not come with many of the same safety protections as other vehicles.
The good news, however, is that there are ways to avoid this problem. For example, you could drive on the side of the pavement. You could also have someone else take you where you want to go. Yet the important thing to remember is that no matter what your solution is, you stay safe.
For many mobility scooter owners, public transportation makes up a big part of their day. It’s very common to have to take the bus somewhere. For mobility scooter users, however, this can become a very complicated task. Not every bus network will allow you to take your scooter with you. The ones that do will also have many requirements that you’ll need to take note of beforehand.
Knowing these requirements, however, isn’t something you can just read on the internet just like that. You’ll have to look into your local bus network rules directly. Likewise, it would also be a good idea to check the laws regarding mobility scooters for your city.
The good news, however, is very few buses will forbid you from taking your mobility scooter with you. Thanks to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, public transportation systems are required to provide accommodations for people with disabilities and their mobility scooters.
Still, there are very strict guidelines that you’ll need to follow. The size of the scooter, the number of wheels, and other requirements all need to be met beforehand. Again, the best way to stay safe is to check your local and federal laws. This is even more important if you do not live in the USA.
Many cities around the world are located in areas with steep hills. When buying a mobility scooter, it’s important to take the various hills around your area into account before you buy. Although any mobility scooter has the ability to go uphill, in reality, there are a lot of factors to take into account. Depending on how steep the hills you plan to climb are, these factors can drastically change the way you go about things.
Weight, for example, can be a big factor. A heavy scooter will require a much stronger motor to climb. This means that the battery will end up draining a lot faster than it would otherwise. Lighter mobility scooters, on the other hand, can get buy with a weaker motor that uses less battery. At the same time, lighter scooters also have a lower maximum weight capacity. Tires and suspension need to be considered too.
Still, hills are only part of the problem. The amount of wind will also affect how well a mobility scooter performs. A strong wind will require much more power when going uphill. If you live in a windy area, it’s a good idea to plan for heavy winds when deciding on a scooter to buy.
Mobility scooters take up a lot of space. There’s a high chance that you’ll have to store your scooter outside. There are pros and cons to this. Bad weather, for example, can drastically reduce the lifespan of your mobility scooter. If your scooter isn’t waterproof, it can also be damaged. Likewise, the risk of theft also increases if it is left outside. Most of these problems, however, can be mitigated.
Keeping your scooter indoors or in a garage is the best way to protect it. If you have to keep it outside, however, there are ways to keep it safe. A mobility scooter cover, for instance, can go a long way in protecting your scooter from the elements. This can also include rain if it’s waterproof.
In the same vein, you can protect your mobility scooter from theft by properly securing it. It may not be easy but there is almost always a way to fix whatever problem you have.
Just because you use a mobility scooter doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to travel to faraway places. Although they aren’t as popular as they once were, trains are a fantastic way of travel. Nowadays, many train companies will provide accommodations for mobility scooter users. Some may require permits but many others will allow you to ride without any trouble.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that there aren’t exceptions. Some train companies will not allow you to take your mobility scooter with you. This is more common in areas outside of the USA, however. The best way of making sure is to check directly with the company involved. A quick chat with a customer service representative or by browsing their website can give you the answers you need.
Due to the large size of mobility scooters, train companies may have certain requirements that you will have to meet. Some companies, for example, may require you to stay seated for the entire trip. Others may allow you a seat if the scooter is collapsible and able to be stowed away. Again, the best way of checking for these requirements is to contact the company directly.
It’s a common misconception that plane travel isn’t a viable option for someone using a mobility scooter. Due to strict regulations by the TSA, it’s easy to think so. However, many airlines actually will allow you to ride a plane with your vital mobility scooter. Despite this, however, there are certain procedures you will need to be aware of beforehand.
For example, it’s very important that you contact the airline beforehand and discuss your situation. Once the airline is aware of your situation, they will be able to provide you with the proper accommodations. Fail to this and you risk having the airline prevent you from taking your mobility scooter with you. Likewise, it’s important that you look into the rules and regulations of the airline before you head to the airport.
A common problem that can occur, for example, is the battery being non-compliant. Unless the battery of your mobility scooter is non-spillable and lead-acid, there is a high chance that you will have trouble taking your scooter with you. Lithium batteries, for example, have a very difficult time being allowed on a plane. Like always, it’s a good idea to check with the airline beforehand.
A mobility scooter is a big investment, which may cost over a hundred dollar each. Keeping it in working order can also be just as expensive. This is even more the case if you use your mobility scooter a lot. Batteries, for example, can cost quite a lot of money. If you change the battery a lot, you can expect to spend a hefty of your hard-earned money.
Unlike regular batteries, it’s possible to recharge a mobility scooter battery. In fact, it can even be possible to do this multiple times before you are forced to replace it. If you take this into account, the cost of a mobility scooter battery is actually a lot less than you would expect. Even without taking charge of the account, the price of a battery is well worth the cost.
A mobility scooter is an important part of your day-to-day life. A bad battery can die at the worst possible moment. Imagine crossing the road and having your battery die. That’s a very dangerous situation that you want to avoid. The cost of mobility scooter batteries helps to resolve this by allowing battery makers to give you the best product possible.
Sometimes the seat on your mobility scooter isn’t to your liking. At times like these, a common idea for many mobility scooter users to have is to replace the seat. This isn’t a bad thought to have either. Replacing the seat on a mobility scooter can have a lot of benefits. You may have found a more comfortable seat or are just in the mood for something different.
No matter the reason, it’s quite possible to change the seat of a mobility scooter. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can just take any seat you find and put it on your scooter. There are a few things you will have to consider beforehand. Proper technical specs, for example, are very important. It doesn’t matter how much you like a seat if it doesn’t fit on your favorite mobility scooter.
Luckily, there are ways to get around this problem. The easiest way is to try to find a seat that is specifically for your brand of mobility scooter. You should still double-check and make sure it will fit but there is a very high chance that it will. Depending on the brand of mobility scooter you have, it’s possible you’ll be able to find a lot of different options.
A common question that many new mobility scooter users have is wondering if they can take their brand new scooter into the store with them. The good news is that very few stores will stop you from entering.
Most major grocery stores, for example, will provide you the proper accommodations for a pleasant shopping experience. Most of these stores will also have very wide shopping aisles that will allow you to shop in comfort.
However, this isn’t the case everywhere. Many smaller stores may not be properly equipped to allow you to have a comfortable experience. In the worst cases, they may even make you feel unwelcomed. Thankfully, this is very rarely ever the case. Many smaller shops will do everything they can to make your experience as pleasant as possible.
The size of your scooter will also change how difficult it is to have a good shopping experience. Stores that are quite easy to browse using a smaller scooter may be outright impossible with a larger one. This is even more the case for smaller stores that are locally owned.
It’s very important that you properly store your mobility scooter when you are not using it. Leaving it wherever you want can turn it into a health hazard. Tripping over it in the middle of the night isn’t just dangerous for you. It can also cause damage to the scooter if it falls down. The easiest way to avoid this is to store it somewhere safe. Depending on where you live, however, this can be a difficult task.
Storing it in the garage is the easiest way. It’s safe from theft, protected from the elements, and is out of the way. Leaving it outside can be an option too but can also be a lot more costly. You’ll need to take into account the bad weather and other nasty things to keep it safe. Malicious individuals could steal it, or worse, trip over it.
In some cases, you may not have a choice but to keep your mobility scooter inside. In that situation, your only option is to keep it out of the way and avoid making it an obstruction. Try not to leave it in front of doorways or other areas with frequent visitors.
Scooter speed is one of the most common questions among those new to owning a mobility scooter. More specifically, very few riders are looking for a scooter that can go very fast. This is for a good reason. Aside from being very scary, high speeds on a mobility scooter can be quite dangerous for both the rider and nearby pedestrians.
Thankfully, most mobility scooters can not go very fast. Standard mobility scooters just about never exceed 5mph. This is a good thing as fast speeds can make it difficult to control. This does, however, have the unfortunate downside of making it difficult to travel long distances. Depending on how far you have to go, you may need to use public transportation. The max speed of a mobility scooter, however, will depend on the actual scooter itself.
Depending on how powerful the motor is, some scooters may be capable of reaching much higher top speeds than others. Scooter size and weight is another factor to consider. Depending on the technical specs of the scooters, the speed of acceleration will also differ quite a bit. Lightweight mobility scooters will usually have the advantage when it comes to speed while heavier ones will need stronger motors to catch up.
You never know what sort of problems may come up. You could get sick, or worse, get into a car accident. No matter the case, however, you’ll more than likely have a form of insurance to protect yourself just in case. When it comes to mobility scooters, this is no different. You never know what can happen. Your scooter might get stolen, damaged, or lost. With mobility scooter insurance, you have an extra layer of protection to help you out.
Sure, it may be expensive. But the benefits you get from it can mitigate the cost you have to pay for. Not having this protection when you need it the most can quickly turn a bad situation into a terrible one. What may have been a small dent can quickly turn into hundreds of dollars of damages. With mobility scooter insurance, you’re covered up to 80% or even 100% of the costs and expenses incurred as accidents like this happen.
For some, having their vehicles insured means making a very large investment. In the case of mobility scooter insurance, that means spending a little bit of money to save yourself a lot of trouble down the road. Your mobility scooter is a part of you, so why wouldn’t you spend a little extra to protect yourself?
A mobility scooter is a very big monetary investment. For many people in need of one, this high cost can be a big barrier that is hard to cross. In some cases, it may even be impossible. However, there are ways to avoid this wall and own your very own mobility scooter. There are a lot of ways but the easiest would be through health insurance.
Many people do not realize this but a mobility scooter can actually be classified as a medical device in some cases. Depending on your insurance, it may even be possible to use it to buy a mobility scooter. At the very least, your health insurance may make purchasing a mobility scooter a lot more affordable than it would be otherwise. Unfortunately, not every health insurance provider offers this benefit.
Like many things, the only way to know if your health insurance will help cover the purchase of a mobility scooter is to contact them directly. By speaking directly with your insurance agent, they will be able to answer every question you have. In some cases, you may even find out that your insurance covers more than you thought it did.
Sometimes you have no other choice but to store your precious mobility scooter outside of your home. This, however, exposes your scooter to the various elements. Rain and snow, for example, will have free reign on your scooter if it’s not properly protected beforehand. Most mobility scooters are powered by electricity. Hence, water can be a very dangerous element for it to be exposed to.
Few mobility scooters are designed to be waterproof. This means that there is a very high chance that your scooter will become damaged if exposed to water. Along with driving it in the rain, this also includes storing it outside. Although a little water may not do much harm, you’re still better off avoiding any puddles on the ground. This also includes driving it in the rain or leaving it outside during a storm.
If you have no other choice, however, there are options you can use to mitigate some of the risk. The simplest way, of course, is to use a waterproof tarp or cover. Although this works perfectly for a scooter parked outside, it may be a little too dangerous to ride your scooter with. Finally, unless you want to risk scooter damage, you may not have a choice but to wait out the rain.
For many potential mobility scooter buyers, they face a hard choice in deciding between a scooter and a power wheelchair. This is for good reason as both provide many of the same benefits. There are very few people who wouldn’t feel a greater sense of independence when buying either vehicle. At the same time, however, both vehicles serve a very specific purpose.
A power wheelchair, for example, is much more mobile than a mobility scooter. However, it can also travel a much smaller distance. If you need high mobility within a small area, a power wheelchair may end up being the better choice. But if you must travel very far distances, then the mobility scooter ends up with the edge. Likewise, the level of customization, power, and comfort all vary between the two.
The only way to decide on which is best is to look at your own needs. You’ll need to look at the pros and cons of both and compare them with the functionality that you need. Shop around a little and you should be able to find the best option for yourself. Make sure to take your time too. It’s not very fun having to return something you just bought.
Mobility scooters and golf carts seem interchangeable. Both are vehicles that can be used for short distances. It would, however, be a very big mistake to think so. Despite their similarities, a golf cart and a mobility scooter serve very different purposes. A golf cart, for example, is very difficult to shop inside of a store with you.
Likewise, a mobility scooter would make for a very poor choice when it comes to golf. Sure, you may be able to get to the next hole easily but you’ll have a hard time actually taking your golf clubs with you. Not only that, there is a very big difference in speed between the two. A mobility scooter will have a much harder time traveling from point to point than a golf cart.
Finally, a golf cart really wouldn’t make for a great vehicle for your everyday life. They are bulky, hard to turn, and much more expensive to maintain than a mobility scooter. If you need a high level of mobility in your day-to-day life, you are better off with a mobility scooter than a golf cart.
There are many reasons to own a mobility scooter. For someone new to mobility scooters, however, it can be a little hard to see just what exactly these reasons are. For example, the most common reason to own a mobility scooter is to regain a sense of independence. If you are disabled or can not walk for some reason, a mobility scooter can help remedy this problem. It can allow someone the ability to once again go wherever they want without issue.
Other times, someone may buy a mobility scooter for the fun of it. Most people do not realize this but a mobility scooter is actually a very fun way to travel. It enables you to enjoy life at your pace whenever you want. To put it another way, for many people a mobility scooter is a sign of freedom.
No matter the reason, there is one thing that can be said about owning a mobility scooter. You will very rarely find a mobility scooter owner who ends up regretting the hard-earned money they spent on one. So if you’re in the market for a mobility scooter, don’t be afraid to pull the trigger.
Now that you’ve gone through this in-depth mobility scooter FAQ, you are well equipped when it comes to mobility scooter knowledge. If you’re in the market for one, you’ll have all the information you need to make the right decision. If you already have one, on the other hand, you are now much more knowledgeable about your amazing little vehicle.
A mobility scooter can change your life. You can finally take back the independence that you once had. With a mobility scooter by your side, life won’t be able to leave you behind again.
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