How You Can Receive A Free Mobility Scooter in 2025

Mobility Guides

Mobility scooters are necessary for some people depending on their health and circumstances. While they may resemble Segways or electric scooters, they are in the same category as canes or crutches. They are devices meant for supplementing medical or health conditions. Because mobility scooters are in this category, you can use your Medicare to get one.

How To Get A Free Mobility Scooter

Medicare and insurance companies can and will help cover your expenses for acquiring a mobility scooter. As long as you prove that it is a medical necessity rather than a convenience, you will receive your mobility scooter with most of the cost covered.

Check out our top picks for the best medical scooters!

Do I Qualify for a Mobility Scooter?

Many people in need of a mobility scooter are still unaware that acquiring one can be entirely provided by their insurance company and their medical physicians – well, almost entirely. You will have to do some of the work, but it isn’t much. If you’re ready to receive the mobility scooter, you need to offset your condition, then read on.

medicare mobility scooter

To determine if you can receive an insurance-covered mobility scooter, your first step should be to meet with your physician. Ask them about mobility equipment concerning your specific condition causing limited mobility.

If lacking a mobility scooter causes you enough pain and stress when moving around, then your doctor will write you a prescription for one. This prescription is proof that you need to receive a mobility scooter. In addition, the doctor’s prescription is what will tell insurance and medicare providers that a mobility chair is a medical necessity for you.

Does Medicare Pay for Mobility Scooters?

By Medicare standards, the written order by your doctor that states you have a medical need for a scooter needs to meet all of the following conditions:

  • You have a health problem or condition that drastically affects your movement throughout your home and elsewhere.
  • You have significant problems performing basic tasks even if you have a cane, crutch, or walker.
  • Your condition is not so debilitating that you can still drive, mount, and remove yourself from the mobility scooter without the help of others, or you always have someone to help you with this.
  • Both your physician and your supplier are enrolled with Medicare.
  • The mobility scooter is not too large for your home.

do i qualify for a mobility scooter

If all of these criteria can be met, then your medical insurance will significantly help cover your bills for a mobility device. If you are part of Medicare Part B, you will only have to front 20% of the cost after you have paid your deductible for that year. The remaining 80% will be covered entirely by Medicare.

It isn’t free, but it is still a massive help in covering costs. This ultimately makes the entire process of seeing your doctor for written proof worth it. That way, you will only spend a couple of hundred dollars instead of a couple of thousand dollars.

As mentioned previously, you will have to keep in mind the area of your residence when going with a Medicare plan for mobility scooters. Depending on your region, you may have to find a specific DME (Durable Medical Equipment) provider enrolled in Medicare. These are the only kinds of suppliers that your medical insurance will work with to pay 80% of your costs. Non-Medicare DME suppliers do not apply under any circumstances.

Covering Your Share Of The Mobility Scooter Costs

Because Medicare pays most of the price, you will probably only end up paying a couple of hundred dollars out of pocket for your insurance-covered mobility scooter. If you are surprised because you were expecting 100% of the cost to be covered, don’t despair. There are still options available to you even if you have to pay a fraction of the cost.

First, mobility aids such as scooters not only range in terms of different types but also different prices. For example, some mobility scooters cost around $2000, but others cost less than half this much. So if you get a mobility scooter that costs $800, you’ll only have to pay $160 out of pocket.

does medicate pay for scooters

You must also keep in mind that if you don’t need the mobility scooter long-term, you can always opt to rent one instead of purchasing one. Renting is a great way to lower costs and may be a perfect fit, depending on your medical situation. You should consider speaking with both your DME supplier and your doctor about this option and see if it is the best option for you, both financially and medically.

Mobility scooters come in a surprisingly wide range of models, so feel free to speak with your DME provider about the best fit for your mobility needs and check out our mobility scooter section.

Closing Remarks

It may seem like you have to jump through some hoops, but we assure you that acquiring the medical prescription for a Medicare-covered mobility scooter is worth it. Only having to pay one-fifth of the price is certainly nothing to scoff at and will undoubtedly be a massive help to you, as we’re sure you’ll agree.

We hope this article has helped you understand the process of acquiring medical and financial aid for a mobility scooter. Please use this information to get the support you need for your mobility issue and be safe.

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