Off-road segways often combine all of the elements that make regular segways great but add a few changes to the frame’s construction and the wheels to allow them to work on multiple kinds of terrain. An off road segway can be a lot of fun.
Your average segway is best suited to asphalt, sidewalks, and the like. An off-road segway, however, can take you to many other different places. You’ll no longer be limited to strictly urban terrain. An off-road segway can be used on bike roads, dirt trails, grass and mud, and even sandy beaches in some cases.
Electric and motorized segways have been skyrocketing in popularity over the years. This makes perfect sense as segways are not only being built with more advanced safety features but are very fun to ride around town.
However, there are already more than enough articles out there that explain why segways are worth considering or what the best segways available are. That’s why today I’m going to introduce you to the world of off-road segways.
If you’ve ever wanted to know what it feels like to use a segway off the road, then you’ll be amped up to hear about these four excellent off-road segways I have to share with you today. Let’s waste no more time and dive into the best off-road segways you can find in 2025.
45 miles
13 mph
105 lbs
1200 Watt
If you want an off-road segway that has great build quality and great safety features that delivers a powerful and exhilarating riding experience, the would be an excellent choice.
The is tied for the top off-road segway of 2025 as far as we’re concerned. This vehicle will cater to a different kind of segway rider, though.
This segway is similar to Outstorm and far4less: it may be heavy and pricey, but it has a great battery charging time, offers very good speeds and max distance, and is comfortable and fun to use.
The eco-glide has a very stable and comfortable balancing rod with quality padding on the handlebars. It also has a bright headlight which makes this an excellent choice for anyone who prefers to go out riding after dark.
The 19-inch tires work exceptionally well in many different terrains, including snow, sand, dirt, and mud. I felt just a bit of resistance and loss of momentum while using this segway on thicker mud pits, but it’s negligible and easy to ignore.
The eco-glide segway also has a smartphone app that allows you to remotely lock the device, track your mileage and battery life, and many other useful functions. It even comes with a small kickstand, something that I am still surprised to see so few segways implement these days.
13.7 miles
10 mph
28 lbs
1600 Watt
The Segway Ninebot S is a great choice for beginners to off-road segways because of how easy it is to use. Thanks to its self-balancing feature and its relatively low max speed.
The Segway Ninebot S comes from a company that really needs no introduction. The Segway brand itself still remains the most popular manufacturer of segways and other related motorized electric vehicles. They have made many best-selling and award-winning products, and no best segway list would be complete without mentioning them.
What is easily their best off-road segway of 2025 is the Ninebot S. Like many Segway products, it’s loaded to the brim with many extra features, including the smartphone app that can modify lighting and safety features.
The Ninebot S is portable and easy to ride. Only weighing 28 pounds, it can achieve a max speed of 10 mph and has great acceleration, even on off-road terrain. This segway feels extremely smooth on dirt, mud, and grass, as well as on roads and sidewalks.
The tires are also smaller being around 10 inches long. This doesn’t make it the best choice for sand or the deepest of mud pits, but it does make it a little easier to get used to compared to larger segways.
Overall, Ninebot S is not just a good off-road segway but a good personal mobility device as well.
34 miles
13 mph
105 lbs
4000 Watt
The Outstorm Electric Segway is truly a monster that can be easily used on thick sand, puddles, and mud. Any terrain I threw at it, it ran right over with no problem.
The second final product on my list of the best off-road segways of 2025 is Outstorm Electric Segway.
Just one quick look at its specs of 4000 watts and a 34-mile range will tell you almost everything you need to know – almost. Welcome to the Outstorm Self Balancing Segway, something that will truly deliver an authentic off-road experience.
Let me get this out of the way right now: this will not be a good choice for people new to segways, off-road or otherwise. The Outstorm is a very large machine that weighs over 100 pounds and is not exactly a portable device.
It does have good self-balancing on different kinds of terrain, but beginners would be better off starting with lighter segways.
What may very well be the best selling point about the Outstorm is its excellent max range of up to 34 miles. That means you can get a whopping three hours of usage while going at top speed on this thing. Impressively, it only takes about five hours to fully charge. Plus, the battery and the motor of the Outstorm work together seamlessly.
Note: This product is out of stock right now.
28 miles
12 mph
105 lbs
2000 Watt
The combined max range, climbing ability, and sturdy foot base make far4less Smart Self Balancing Segway a portable escalator when riding through any terrain.
Like the Outstorm, this Smart Self Balancing Segway from far4less is another powerful and hunky machine that delivers great range and control over the roughest of terrains.
The first thing that really stuck out to me about the far4less was its excellent foot base. It is remarkably solid and has padded footrests. I felt exceptionally well-grounded on this segway at all times, even when going at top speed.
The 19-inch tires are massive, but their size worked perfectly for riding in places like the woods or the beach. They offer fantastic traction even on wet surfaces to the point that I would bet they would even work well on icy or slippery sidewalks compared to most other segways.
With a 12mph top speed and a 28-mile max range, the far4less is definitely in the upper tiers of segways when it comes to speed and distance. The far4less also has an impressive 35-degree climbing incline rate, making it one of the best segways for mountain rides.
Now that we’ve gone over the best off-road segways of 2025 let’s discuss how you can figure out what makes a good segway on your own with this handy buying guide.
A buying guide for off-road segways will be similar to one for regular segways. Still, of course, the main differences will be regarding just how effective the segway will be at operating on different terrains.
That’s why the first thing you should remember is the wheels, particularly their size. If you have less experience with off-road segways, then you want your wheels to be in the 10 to 12-inch range. This size is close to what many regular segways are.
However, if you really want to unleash your inner off-road daredevil, then you will need an off-road segway with larger wheels. Anything in the 15 to 20-inch range will get the job done. The general rule of thumb is that the larger the wheels, the more stable ride you will have on hills, sand, muddy trails, etc.
Safety features are a must, so it is always best to get a segway that is not only fun to use but is responsibly crafted. Try to get a segway with as many safety precautions built-in as possible.
This includes kickstands, good taillights and headlights, fast deceleration, app-controlled locks, GPS trackers, and even shock absorption wheels. Handlebars and footrests with good padding or grip should also be considered.
The last main thing to consider when buying an off-road segway is its battery and motor specs, particularly regarding speed and distance.
There’s no sense in paying extra money for a segway that goes 15mph when you only feel comfortable going up to 10mph. Additionally, the longer distance a segway can go and the faster it can charge from 0 to 100 is always ideal, regardless of its motor wattage or maximum speed.
While some people may feel a little put off by the idea of learning how to ride a segway, they are actually very simple to ride. It only takes most people a few minutes of practice before they understand how to orient their body when using a segway. Keeping this in mind, learning how to use a segway can actually be much easier than learning how to ride a bike!
Segways are best compared to using hoverboards. You have to lean your body forward to move forward gently, and lean backward just as slightly to either come to a complete stop or to slowly go in reverse.
All of the segways on my top list of 2025 from above are actually all self-balancing segways. This makes them even easier to learn how to ride because they are capable of automatically centering themselves and have better motion and weight distribution detection.
Off-road segways are, for the most part, used exactly the same way as regular segways. The way they detect your weight distribution as you lean forward operates under the same principles. There are only a couple of extra things to keep in mind.
With off-road segways, you’ll probably be using them on difficult terrains such as dirt trails or even muddy trails that can have patches that are a few inches deep. Luckily, most off-road segways have larger and thicker wheels designed to handle these patches effectively.
When you encounter environments like this, you will have to get used to leaning yourself a little forward to keep the momentum going during the muddiest of roads. However, the best off-road segways, like the ones mentioned above, are designed to reduce these bumps as much as possible, especially when going at top speeds. Combine that with their self-balancing features, and these off-road segways can be used almost as easily as regular segways.
Off-road segways can indeed be used on roads and sidewalks, just like regular segways. However, they can only reach their full potential when they are used on less smooth terrain.
While the criteria differ from model to model, the general rule of thumb is that off-road segways can be used on grass, sandy beaches, mountain or bike trails with dirt and mud, snow, and puddles of water. Many of them have steeper climbing incline rates so that they can even be used while climbing up hills, even ones that are completely covered in dirt and muck.
Last update on 2023-11-18 at 02:36 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.