How to Ride a Hoverboard


Learning how to ride a hoverboard can seem difficult if you’ve never tried it, but like with many things in life, it’s easier than it looks. If you’re ready to take your first dive into the world of hoverboards but need some beginner riding tips, you’ve come to the right place.

Precautionary Safety Tips

If you want to be extra safe before stepping on a hoverboard then you can plan out a few things in advance to increase the likelihood of having a safe ride.

The first thing you can do is acquire some safety gear. This is essentially the same kind of equipment one would use while riding bikes or skateboards: helmets, wrist guards, knee and elbow pads.

Another important tip is to know where you’re going to be using the hoverboard. It should be done in a familiar environment with as few obstacles as possible.

If you’ll be using it indoors, the hoverboard might be easier to control due to the flatter terrain and being in a space you’re familiar with.

If you’ll be riding outdoors, hoverboard riding for beginners can still be safe as long as there’s enough open space for you to maneuver.

One of the most important things a beginner should know is where you can ride a hoverboard safely. While some models have all-terrain or off-road capabilities, most do not, especially not beginner-friendly models. Where to ride your hoverboard will depend greatly on its own construction.

Generally, you can ride almost any hoverboard on any flat hard surface. This includes indoor floors (hardwood or cement), sidewalks and roads. Some perform well on grass or dirt but make sure this applies to the model you’ll be using so you can know how to ride a hoverboard without falling.

What Kind Of Hoverboard Should You Buy?

Because hoverboards come in so many different variants, it can be important for a hoverboard beginner to purchase a model that is friendly to novice users.

One factor to keep in mind is the top speed. Some hoverboards can go up to 10 mph, but this is likely too fast for a first-timer. Try to aim for a model that has a max speed of around 5 or 6 mph.

Most hoverboards come with a self-balancing function but some have extra safety features that are more beneficial to beginners like a remote control with a brake button.

Most hoverboards are also fairly large and heavy, but if you’re a smaller person, feel free to get a model that best fits your size.

Hoverboard skates are fairly small but they may not be the best choice for first-timers as they require more balance on the user’s end.

Some hoverboards come with a beginner mode. These functions have a reduced max speed and a balancing function that better suits a hoverboard beginner. A beginner mode hoverboard is an ideal choice for first-timers who need help to slow down, getting on or getting off the board, etc.

Beginner’s Guide On How To Ride A Hoverboard

With all that said, it’s time to finally learn how to ride a hover board.

Get on the hoverboard.

First, you need to learn how to step on the hoverboard. It’s important to make sure that the hoverboard is turned on first. Many beginners have a misconception that the hoverboard should be off while mounting it because they’re afraid it might move too fast. In fact, the board needs to be on to make sure the self-balancing function is triggered.

Learning how to get on a hoverboard is easier than it may seem. You want to get on one foot at a time. Try to have both feet fairly close to the wheels rather than in the center of the footpads. This is what will give you the best balance and stability, especially when making turns.

Practice the basic motions.

Once you’re on the hoverboard there are four simple motions you should practice: going forward, going backward, staying still and moving in a circle.

1. Going forward

To go forward all you have to do is simply lean your body forward but only slightly. Many beginners often overestimate just how far they need to lean in order to get a good pace going.

When it comes to your body’s posture, it is important to stay as straight as possible. A lot of the leaning or pressure will come from your feet and ankles. Try not to bend at the waist.

2. Going backward

If you want to move the hoverboard backwards, it’s very similar to going forward – simply lean slightly back instead. Keep in mind that most hoverboards accelerate slower in reverse so you will probably need to lean a little more in order to move at the same speed in reverse. This may take some getting used to so keep this in mind.

3. Staying still

Staying still is an important hoverboard skill that every beginner should learn as soon as possible. Once you learn the balancing necessary to not move, it can help serve as a foundation to help you understand how much leaning is necessary for actual movement.

4. Moving in a circle

When it comes to moving in a circle, this might be a little more advanced move that will require some practice, but not much. The best way to practice this is to move in a circle in place, rather than turning while moving forward or backward.

All you need to do is lean with one foot in the opposite direction of said foot. For example, if your dominant foot is your right one, lean toward the left and move in a counterclockwise motion. If your dominant foot is the left one, lean it toward the right in a clockwise motion. Feel free to do this as slowly as needed at first, then step up the speed at your own pace.

electric scooter vs hoverboard

5. Control the speed.

Learning how to change speed on a hoverboard is an important skill too, as having control over how fast you go is necessary to have a safe and fun riding experience. The great thing about hoverboards is that if you feel you are going too fast, you can slow down as quickly as you want.

6. Lean in order to brake.

It’s also very hard to come to a brake too fast on hoverboards because the self-balancing feature will help keep you stabilized and reduce the odds of falling off. Going at full speed and then coming to a complete stop on hoverboards is a very safe and reliable function, as surprising as it may seem to beginners.

If you’re now wondering how do you stop on a hoverboard, it’s as easy as leaning in the opposite direction of where you’re going. Make your body and ankles as still and neutral as possible and the hoverboard will become still as well.

Final Thoughts

You now know all the basics of how to ride a hover board! It may seem a little daunting at first but you’ll be amazed at how fast it takes to get comfortable with a hoverboard, and we’re talking hours, not days.

Thank you for reading and be sure to always have fun and be safe with your hoverboard riding!